
My Mom Growin' Up in Texas!

This was my Grandpa Hobson Durham and his new wife Madge Dulane Durham on their wedding day in 1925. I always wondered where I got the middle name "Dulane" from. It was only a couple of years ago after my mom had died that I found out where the name came from.

Here's my mom, Johnnye Merle Durham, as a baby in Lubbock, Texas. I have been looking for this photo album for awhile now, and gee, it was just sitting on a shelf below my others all this time. None the less, I was thrilled to find it, and even more happy to find some writing on the backs of some of the pictures.

My mom was an only child and loved her Texas roots.

You know I don't ever remember seeing this picture of my mom, and my grandma before. I fell in love with it when I saw it, and of course the thing wouldn't scan right. My grandma looks so young in this photo.

I love this picture of my mom on the ranch with her daddy's hat next to her for the picture!!

I think out of all the photos so far, I'm in love with this one. It's of my Grandpa Hobson pulling my mom in a cart. What really is amazing is when I look at this picture of my mom, I have pictures of myself at about the same age and we look so much alike! I'm was really blonde, actually I still am really blonde. But when it turns into old lady white then I will finally change hair color! I never realized I got being so blonde from my mom or the resemblance is so strong between us. I think because my mom lost her own mom at such a young age, and then her dad committed suicide a couple of years later, that she never wanted to talk about her family. That and my own dad, being the character he was, thought it was something that just "shouldn't" be discussed with myself and my sister. Least us not forget we had to call his dad "Daddy Dick" and my mom's family was not to be discussed? I guess if there is anything good about the way life changes, is these days we know every damn thing about everybody. I just wish I had a few more memories of my mom telling me stories of her life in Texas. I have a few good memories but not nearly enough.

Thanks Deborah for hosting, "Fridays Favorite Family Fotos"


  1. Sue I love the pictures, it shows how life really was. I know you would love to know more about them, but you do have these pictures and and no one can take those away from you.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Sue, the pics of your mom are really great. Seeing Texas the way it looked so many years ago is real interesting. Part of my passion is reading up on the history of Texas. Thanks for sharing, T

  3. Hi Sue, I so love the photos you shared of your mom as a baby in Texas. she was loved that's for sure. How sad her parents did not live to see her grown. I loved the cart with her dad pulling it. Your story tugs at my heart.


  4. Looking at those old photos it reminds me once again of the downright luxuries we have! Can you imagine living their lives? Or our children living like that? My goodness, we have it good!

    I have a cart like that from my husband's grandparents. Love it.

    The Texas Woman

  5. I love old photos like these. Cant you almost feel hot HOT it was? It really gives you a feel for what it must have been like to live back then.


  6. I thought I checked out all the Friday Foto posts EARLIER today, but I missed yours somehow until just now.

    These are GREAT old photos. Look at that baby lolling on the mattress on the porch!!!!

    I love your middle name, and how special that it has deep family roots.

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures!!! I can't believe these were on your shelves all along! All the pics of your Mom are just too cute! And these were made in Lubbock!!!! Too good!


  8. Your grandmother does look so young. At first I thought it was a photo of a child holding a doll!
    My mother's family passed down lots of names from other relatives. I was so thankful my mom broke tradition and named me Pam and not Ophelia! lol
    Your post was very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Your pictures are so sweet! Your grand mother sure did look young in that picture. Have you tried to figure out her age? They did marry young back then.

    I was named after my grandmother but I didn't know it until I was 14 years old! I never did like that name so I don't go by it! hehehe

    God Bless!

  10. Those are great old photos. There are a lot of gaps in my knowledge about some of my family, too. I liked it when you said that now "we know every damn thing about everybody!" That's certainly true.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!