
Memorial Day

I had "almost" forgotten that today was Memorial Day. Brande was working at the store this morning in the garden. We were talking about the kittens she had caught and she had to stop talking for a few minutes because in the sky vintage airplanes were flying over in formation. At Fairhaven Cemetery in Santa Ana, they have a service each Memorial Day. Last year I remember standing in the garden with one my customers. Her mom had died a few years back and always loved Country Roads. We watched the planes together, probably both thinking about those we love and are now gone. I look up at the picture of my dad from WWII. He was proud to be a solider. And regardless of politics, or personal beliefs, today is the day to remember those that have died doing what they believed in their hearts was the right thing to do. My dream has always been to live in a world without war and violence. I'm not going to give up on that dream, nor will I forget the kids that have lost their lives way to young doing what their heart had told them to do. I hope next Memorial Day our world will be a more peaceful place to live.
"Some say I'm a Dreamer, but I'm not the only one" John Lennon


  1. So nice of you to remember your Dad and for you to share that story with us about the Memorial Day activities in your area. Aren't you suppose to be napping?


  2. Resting at the very least!

    The Texas Woman


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