
Too Much Stuff?

I was kind of updating my other blog,Random Stories that I have on my sidebar. I've been trying to upload stuff I've written over the years, and post it with a picture or two so I wouldn't lose the articles. I came across an article I had written several years ago about one of my favorite pieces of furniture in my house. It's an old pine, squared nailed stepback cupboard. It's got the original, wavey glass and I just love it. I've also got it filled with children related antiques and vintage stuff. As you can see in some of these pictures, there is a variety of vintage children's stuff like some juvenile Roseville, and a variety of baby plates. Over the years I'd pick up a piece of this and that. I have some kids vintage Hire's root beer mugs and couple of Bosie the Cow mugs as well. There is an old school autograph book, a toy horn just to name a few of my favorite little things tucked inside this cupboard. When I see stuff like those old little kids ice skates, it just takes me back to when times seemed like they were so much more simple. Kids made do with what they had to have fun, and most of the time it wasn't a lot. It touches my heart in a way I can't really describe when I look at these little children vintage toys, they are dear to me. Maybe because I love little kids adds to those feelings. Just the fact that these toys were handed down from generation to generation in one piece is pretty incredible. Right now our world is such a crazy place! And then I look at those ice skates and see a little child so easily entertained as he glided across the ice with his buddies. One of my goals this year was to try to "simplify" my life. Then I start to feel guilty because I've got cupboards filled with antiques and vintage stuff and I ask myself, "what is really too much stuff"? My antiques are more than just stuff to me. I see cupboards filled with history, little vignettes in my house telling a story of a much different time in the world. And I guess in that, I find the simplicity and meaning to my own question. Our homes, if filled with things we love, are much more than stuff, they are a part of our hearts and leave stories for future generations to tell their children.


  1. Bravo! Bravo! Great post with kick ass photos! I love love love your display of collectible kid stuff! And that cupboard...wow! You know I want to see all those photos on your wall!


  2. I'm sure Malisa did not intentionally say "ass" on your blog. But she is correct about your collect of kid stuff! It's great!

    The Texas Woman

  3. How ASSinine of me to say ass! :) Okay, I went back and enlarged all your photos and drooled alot! Great collection! How many times has Riley asked to play with your wonderful finds?


  4. Actually, I personally LOVE the word ass! I also use it in "kick ass" but another big favorite of mine is "dumbass". My kids and I call each other that all the time. Then we can get into the "asshole" which applies to the evil people. Another one I like is "ass wipe", again to my less than favorite folks. "Stupidass" is similiar to dumbass in use. I like "assinine" if I spelled that correctly. I'll stop now because I just realized I could do a whole blog on the word, "ass"! I could have photos to accompany that blog. Wow, could be exciting.

  5. And for the ass post, we can all submit photos of our ex's. I've got some great ass music to go with it, too.

  6. I saw you have an Elsie the Cow mug - how cute! I sold a Beulah mug in my etsy shop last year - She's the baby of Elsie, I believe. Beulah was the only one of the cow from Borden I had ever seen in a mug, so my attention was grabbed by your china closet!


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