
Some Old Photos of Me With My Family

That's me and my dad when I was little, in the backyard of the house that my daughter Katie, Vinnie, and Riley now live in! Of course its been re-modeled a bit!
In this picture, you find me, my grandfather (my dad's dad) and my sister Teri. We called my grandfather, get this "Daddy Dick"! To this day, I have NO idea who thought that one up? His name was Dick, but hey, no wonder I have issues! Here's a picture of me and my sister when we were younger (I was probably pinching her, and that's why she is making a face) sitting on Daddy Dick's porch (and I bet you were thinking something else, what's wrong with you people) and my grandmother who went by Nanny! This is the Missouri side of my family, maybe that's where these names came from??? Here we are at the Seal Beach pier, where we take Riley to the beach at these days. It's my sister, my mom, me, and my mom's aunt Ruby. This picture was taken in the backyard of my mom's aunt & uncle here in Long Beach of me, with my mom and dad. Here we have me and my sister. I'm the tall blonde in this photo. Now days, I'm still blonde but my sister is way taller than I am. We were playing in our backyard in our swimsuits, the same backyard that Riley plays in today. Except she has a jacuzzi! I saved my very photo for last. This picture was taken of my dad, me, and Teri at Pier Point Landing, in Long Beach. Pier Point Landing is long gone, and actually I don't even know what is there now. I LOVE the way my dad looked in this photo, so handsome!

Be sure to check out Deb's Family Foto Friday. . . to participate, email Deb: Cashgirl_56@yahoo.com


  1. Hi Sue,
    Those photos are wonderful. Your dad was quite handsome. And you and your sister are adorable! Sweet memories.

  2. That pier photo is one of my favorites, in fact I need to print it (I have a file of it too) and frame it!

  3. Look at your Dad's abs! He definitely had the California physique...even back in the day! Your family was so beautiful! I love that photo where you are pinching your sister...your hair is so blonde and just shining in the sun! I think my favorite thing though is Daddy Dick! You know I am gonna wear that name out, don't you?


  4. Dear Sue
    I have reading your posts for half an hour...yeah really. First I love your black & whites and that DD name is a hoot.
    About your furry friend. I also rescue, mostly cats & kittens. Just so you know we spay females and neuter males lol altering is a good word also.lol
    Now onto Mr. Wonderful...who's not so wonderful. Good for you, move on girlfriend.
    I also thank you for the tour of your garden. I have such a hard time with plants. I do have a 20 year old Holly hock and now I really want to add Poppies & this new one you introduced to me "nasturtiums". Hope I can remember that one.
    Happy Easter and Happy FF Sue
    Love Claudie

  5. Hi, those photo are so nice and I know they are special.
    Have a Happy Easter

  6. Hi!
    Beautiful old photos! Love those swimsuits your and your sister are wearing! Really cute! Your dad is a very handsome guy! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great week end!


  7. I had a Nannie too! I love the picture with the pier in the background. It reminds me of my times at the beach in SC. Your dad looks like a movie star.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!