
The Many Smiles Of Riley

We're here, at Disneyland as you can tell by the smile on Riley's face. She did a lot of smiling yesterday. I think the best part I enjoyed was the Disney Playhouse. It IS one of Riley's favorites and I don't have any pictures because I didn't know how to turn off my flash. There is something magical about sitting on the floor with all these little kids and then the Disney characters pop out on stage. ALL the little smiles make you remember WHY Disneyland is so magical. Here are some more of my favorite smiles from yesterday! No fear as Riley flies around in the air with Daddy as her little hands wave. It was a beautiful day at Disneyland yesterday, even if it was a little crowded. Sorry, the garden geek comes out of me at California Adventure. Disney does everything, first class, especially the landscaping. One of Riley's favorites, the merry-go-round! So, yes, that is Riley's finger up her nose as she poses for the camera as we wait for one of her most favorite rides. The train that goes around Disneyland. Our day ended with Katie & Vinnie treating me to dinner at the Blue Bayou. It sits above the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and for some reason, in my entire life, I've never been there. It was a nice way to end the day, as you see Riley hanging on the fence waiting to catch the tram back to the car. The on plus by living not far from Disneyland is they offer annual passes, which means you can drop in any time. I still remember when I was a little kid, my parents taking me and my sister once a year to visit Disneyland. That was our vacation, and we, just like my kids and Riley, loved every minute of the most magical place on earth, Disneyland!


  1. Awww, too much fun. That Riley is so precious. I wish you could box up that smile and send me some. Love those Delphiniums too.

  2. The first time I went to Disneyland my new husband (First) took me. First kept telling me that I'd know when we were getting close because I'd see this huge mountain sticking up over everything. "There it is," he said. "Where?" I asked looking around for a huge mountain. "Where?" "Right there," he said pointing to this little man-made hilly thing. Boy, was I disappointed. But we had fun. We were young newlyweds, after all!

    The Texas Woman

  3. We know what Cher was doing on the Tilt-A-Whirl, don't we? Guess what? I have never been to Disneyland! My boys never let me forget that we never took them. Heck, they were too much trouble to take to the grocery store! I would have beat them to death before we got to Disneyland! Riley's smiles are worth the whole trip!


  4. Sue: Imogene left you an award on my blog, The Renaissance Chick.


    Do you know how to post it on your blog?

  5. Sometimes yes, and sometimes no! I guess it depends what kind of Gemini I am on any given day ;0}

  6. D-land! Oh how fun! Having grown up in Santa Barbara I remember many trips to Disney...I can remember going when they had ticket books! Riley looks like she had a blast! So cute! And the flowers are always spectacular too!

  7. Morgan Clover...what a cute name! I know you are excited like I am. Can't wait to see photos!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!