
Gay Oscar

A few weeks back I posted a blog about one our local shelters having a pet adoption day. Thanks to Mary Strickley that forwarded me the information. Bill & Cindy Finch are dealers in my store and awesome people and pet lovers as well. I featured the first dog they rescued a few weeks ago. Then this past week or so, they went back and rescued Oscar, who I call Gay Oscar because he is in love with one of their dogs at home Moses, and has a few "issues" he needs to work out in that area. The owners of Oscar surrendered him to the shelter because, get this, he pooped in the house! That's right, don't train your pets, they poop in your house, so you just dump them at the shelter! Thanks to Bill and Cindy, Oscar now as a loving home. He had been to the vet the day of his photo above and had some eye drops put in his eyes, so that is why he looks a little wiped out. This little guy is a loving, sweet, sweet, dog. Sometimes I wish I could dump some of the people I come across in life in the damn dog pound till they rot. To this day, I will always remember that song from the Billy Jack movie, "bless the beast and the children, they have no voice, they have no choice"!


  1. I'm a dog lover and a people hater! Hooray for Gay Oscar!

    The Texas Woman

  2. Sue, it can be so hard for us animal lovers to encounter people that just don't get what amazing connections that can be had with these wonderful creatures. If one's priorities in life are to have a poop less house they have more problems then we could ever imagine. I have always said if I loved people as much as I do animals I would be a great person! Little Oscar deserves the best, I hope his new owners spoil him crazy!~Jacque

  3. he's adorable! :) i work at the pets hotel at petsmart and i was in doggy day camp from 9-5pm today! wew. long day lol

  4. oscar is a cutie! glad to hear he got a good home.

  5. Bless their hearts for adopting Gay Oscar! I love to hear stories about pet adoptions - I hope he gets the love he deserves!


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