
Shamelessly Asking For Your Help!

  Okay, here's the deal and I'm hoping I don't sound like "I"m all that" by writing this because I'm not. One of our local news stations has this thing called "myfoxla's HOTLIST". What they do is someone nominates your business for it, and if you get enough votes they come out and interview you and shoot some footage of your business. We were nominated, and I'm always kind of embarrassed to ask for stuff, but it would be really cool if you guys could vote for us, Country Roads! I'll put posters up in my store, but since the "blog world" is so big, I thought we could pick up some votes here. I DO use the word "we" because Country Roads isn't just about me, it's about all the remarkable and talented people that are a part of our Country Roads family! So, if you think you might be willing to help us out, I AM again asking shamelessly for you to vote for us. I believe, if I did it correctly, click on this link: http://www.myfoxla.com/hotlist (you'll probably have to type it in, me and links don't do well) and it should take you to their website to vote! We're listed under "antiques" and as you will see, we are not winning. I have to say though, that until today, I didn't even know we were a part of this! It will take a few minutes to register and everything so it is all legit. I sincerely appreciate the time any of you go to do this for us at Country Roads! And also if we win, here's another huge perk. . . that cute weather guy, Rick, comes out to the store to do the interview, I "think"! Thanks, and I do mean that!
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  1. Oh, my gosh! I just voted! This is wonderful! I am going try to get others to vote too!

    I am so proud of you, Sue!


  2. Congratulations of being nominated. I registered and voted. It was simple!

    The Texas Woman

  3. Congrats sweetie! I got the message from Malisa...so, I have now "officially" voted for your shop! Let us know what happens...but, regardless you are #1 in Orange County in my book!

    xo...deb (junkin' yaya)

  4. You're darn tootin I'm voting for you! You and your blog totally rock. I'll get the word out too.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!