
"In My Room"

Remember that old Beach Boys song, "In My Room"? I remember loving that song as a kid, and actually I still do. The words below sum up EXACTLY how I feel about my own bedroom. Of all the rooms in my house, it is my favorite. I spend a lot of time in my room. I also deocrated it with all that vintage stuff I like and love! It's different, but it's a place where all my favorite stuff is, like vintage surfboards, and all my antique pieces to hold all my STUFF! Below is the lyrics to "In My Room" and below that are some pictures of my room, "a world where I can go to tell my secrets to"..
"In My Room"
Theres a world where I can go and tell my secrets to
In my room, in my room
In this world I lock out all my worries and my fears
In my room, in my room
Do my dreaming and my scheming
Lie awake and pray
Do my crying and my sighing
Laugh at yesterday
Now its dark and Im alone
But I wont be afraid
In my room, in my room

I wish life was as simple as the lyrics to the old Beach Boy songs. I like simple!


  1. I love your room, the color is great and I really want a vintage wood surf board, you have a great collection of them. My first live concert when I was a kid was the Beach Boys, I went with my older sister and we still talk about it.... Jacque

  2. I love those surf boards!! And I am dying over the chippy turquoise and white cabinet!!! Glad I stopped by, Many Blessings, Janna

  3. I love, love, love everything I see on your blog! I'm glad you joined my posse' so I could find you. You're on my blogroll now!

    And you and I really think alike... cool.

  4. Here you are letting all these people in your bedroom! Well, I heard that about you! :) Let's talk about your room! Love the colors...same colors I use in my room! You gotta tell me about that photo that shows a child seated behind a steering wheel...I think! I know there is a story there! And that great swimsuit...wow! And that needlepoint diver pillow...crazy cool! And your antique surf boards...golly! Don't let me forget to mention those killer architectural pieces...they're great!!! I could go on and on...but I gotta catch up!


  5. i just stumbled onto your blog and all i can say is wow, wow, wow. i am totally digging all of it!!! i love the bedroom....love the oversize shells, surfboard, chippy shelves....all of it.
    thanks for sharing...


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!