
Someone Stop Me, Please!

  These really cool, metal baskets/lockers arrived at Country Roads this morning. The picture doesn't do them justice! They were also priced really good! Lately, I've been doing my home office more in kind of an "industrial" office kind of look. I like the old metals, rusty stuff. I couldn't stop myself, these baskets will be coming home with me. That is probably the worse thing about working at a store you own. It is like you have the opportunity to shop everyday you work! And if one of us, meaning our staff or me, is not there, and we see something we know one of us collectos or will like, we put a "hold" on the item. The good part about this though, at least for me, is when something comes home, it means something at my house has to go back to the store to sell. So that sort of justifies this crazy shopping addiction. But I still think, someone needs to stop me, please!
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  1. Wow! the baskets are great, you are so lucky, they could be used anywhere for anything. I have the industrial thing going on in my living room, the look really allows you to think outside the box. Have fun with your baskets, I am at little jealous! Jacque

  2. Oh, my gosh, those baskets are simply amazing! You are one lucky gal to take those home!

  3. I love those... Need to start looking!


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