
Only Just the Beginning!

Bryce and Justine started the soon to be baby Morgan's, room today. They have a large room at my house so they have plenty of room to dedicate a section to her. Above is an old vintage swing Bryce bought a long time ago. He is awesome when it comes to decorating, and it will soon hang near the crib. This is the crib which is kind of a cherry wood, and it too hasn't been completely "acessorized" yet. I was anxious to get the photos up because I know how cute the finished room will be and wanted to have some "before" pictures. It's cool to see the "daddy" get into the decorating, but with my son I feel bad that Justine probably won't have a whole lot of input! Bryce has always been really good at putting displays together and decorating. I think his baby daughter's room will be his best work ever. After all, it's a labor of love!

1 comment:

  1. Labor of love...how clever! Oh, my gosh...that vintage swing is the best! Can't wait to see the finished room! And baby Morgan will be living in your house! How can it get any better?



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