
"Riley Time"

Don't let the picture fool you, Riley had no intention of napping today. In fact, she went home with her daddy awhile ago so she can take a nap before we all go out to dinner to celebrate my daughter-in-law, Justine's, 23rd birthday. I haven't had Riley over as much as I use to, and I miss her, and so do the cats. The minute Riley got here this morning, of course her buddy, Leonard, ran up to her. And for some reason today, I think Fluffy missed her as well as you can see Riley preparing lunch for both of the cats!
Apparently Riley felt Leonard needed to wear the apron during the "said" luncheon. Unfortunately, Leonard didn't agree as Riley covered his head with the apron, and their was a minor bite that didn't physically hurt Riley but REALLY hurt her feelings! Then Riley, Leonard, and Fluffy finished the luncheon with no further incidents.
As you can see, those big, blue eyes didn't look like they were going to close anytime soon, so off Riley went with her daddy for a nap. I get to see her again at dinner here soon. You know, I never, ever take for granite the fact that I'm very fortunate to have my little Riley be a part of my daily life. I could never imagine it any other way!


  1. Sounds like you had a much better day than Aunt Brande did on Sunday. No sand thrown at you? No swan dives on your couch? No Riley hiding her pants and suddenly 'forgetting' where they went? No near tantrums in the demand for chocolate soy milk? Easy day.

  2. LOVE the last picture of Riley! So adorable! You are indeed lucky to have her as a part of your daily life! My only two grandkids live ten hours away! Only get to see them 5 or 6 times a year!



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