
Appreciative & Grateful

  Appreciative and grateful are two of my favorite words. There isn't a day that passes in my life that I don't find reasons to use those words. We had a big sale yesterday at Country Roads and were very busy, our customers were awesome. I AM and always will be "appreciative and grateful" for the customers I have. It's this wonderful group that have made Country Roads the store it is today. Yesterday, my kids all remembered me on Valentine's Day. Riley took quite awhile making my Valentine card very special. She decorated it with all her stickers and took great pride in her little crayon drawings, as well, that were included inside the card! Just being remembered by those you love because "they" want to remember you makes me very appreciative and grateful. Thanks Riley, Katie, Vinnie, Brande, Bryce, and Justine. I appreciate you all!
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