
Just Hangin Out With My Kids

Today was one of those days that reminded me why I love living here. The sun was out, it was warm and clear and I spent the afternoon with my kids. Brande lives in Seal Beach and Riley had swim lessons which were also in Seal Beach, so we spent the afternoon there. I love the old Seal Beach pier in the picture above. It was so clear today you could see Catalina. A few months back when I went to see Riley swim, I swore I would never go back. She gets great lessons, but I hate when she cries. Well, I went back today and felt the same way as last time I went. She had just woke up from a nap before her lesson, so she was upset in the pool. What is even more hard for me is now she talks as in "help me".Riley was fine and now actually it is kind of funny she was saying that, but it wasn't at the time! What is really cool about this swim school is that if you look at the picture you can see where the little kids either jump from the stand Riley is on or from the edge of the pool and land face down. Then they have been taught to immediately flip over on their back and float so they are safe. I was really excited to see Riley accomplish this since I have a pool at my house and I want her safe. After swim school we walked down to Brande's apartment then down Main Street. Seal Beach has this awesome little Old Towne area with the pier at the end of Main Street. Riley's favorite place is the playground on the beach, and she LOVES when Brande pushes her on the swings! As you can see, Riley loves to swing and swing. Even Katie and I got into the swinging mood, and enjoyed swinging as well, of course you won't see that picture!I think Riley could "swing" all day as long as she had someone to push her. Life doesn't get much better than sitting in a swing on a warm, sunny day on the beach enjoying the ocean breeze, just ask Riley! I KNOW how lucky I am to hang out with my "girls" and Vinnie(my son-in-law) on a Friday afternoon at the beach. Believe me, I don't take that for granite. I've always lived not too far from the beach and there is something magical about the ocean, sand, and sunshine. For awhile you escape all the stress and headaches that life sometimes throws your way. As you swing in the air, with the ocean breeze in your hair, and the sun beginning to set, I'm reminded of Bob Marley's song, Three Little Birds. It goes like this, "don't worry about a thing, cuz every little thing is gonna be alright". I think the smile on Riley's little face says it all.


  1. Ahhh the beach...the water...the pier...sweet little girls! What a wonderful day! Oh and Catalina too...brought back memories of going to a church camp there in about 1971. It was so beautiful and fun! Glad you had a great day!

  2. That looks sooo nice. I love beaches in OC. We took a trip to Catalina last summer on the 'Flyer'. I had not been since Girl Scout Camp there in the 70s. It has not changed a bit, still the same old quaint town...with alot more golf carts!

  3. I love to swing...just don't know if my rear still fits into one! I know that I have spent many an hour pushing kids and grandkids in a swing! Thanks goodness for those days!

    I hate to even say this...but I have never been to California. Don't know why. Guess because I stayed tied up in a profession which gave me no time off. Now that I'm out of that time consuming role, I need to "get out more"! :)



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