
Changing Out Our Displays

I have to admit, I was happy we were changing out our Christmas displays, as those have been around since early November! We wanted something new and fresh. We have an area by our front entrance we use for display. To the right there is a little porch area, with picket fence built around it, and an old rusty tin roof covering it. Above is a photo of a new display in this area. Just random items from the store that were put together. Also in this area we have a long row of attached, rusty old mailboxes we use to keep our trade publications and other advertising materials in mixed with various displays. As you come into our front door, we have a fountain made from old washtubs and buckets, where the water runs down an old rain gutter. The backdrop for this is old, rusty tin. Our customers enjoy sharing with this with us, "do you have a bathroom, that water really makes me have to go". You know, people really don't have to share quite so much! And that was a toned down version of what they sometimes say! Also, in this same area we have an old potting table made from barnwood that we have designated for seasonal displays. Sometimes we do just random displays, like this one. A mix of some architectural stuff with one of our favorite dealers, Christie Repasy's, paintings. It is reminding us(me) that Spring and warmer weather (thank God) is just around the corner. This is Mike Parson's old, funky, old medical chair sitting next to the potting table with the birdhouse seated on it. I love this chair, I lust after this chair, its shape, the rusty metal and chippy white paint. It's expensive, but believe me, if Mike ever drops the price it will be MINE!! I know how lucky I am to have my job, a store filled with great stuff and better yet, really good dealers. Going to work is like shopping and decorating every day, although it can be expensive!


  1. Looks fantastic! Love the rusty flowers and the fountain and the chair and the mailboxes....ok I just love it all! When I had my antique mall lots of stuff found it's way to my house! I did pay for it. I think I was my dealers best customer! Is your weather warming up any?

  2. What a fun place to shop. Love the chair in the last photo. You wouldn't want my husband around your fountain. He's like a 2 year old, gotta check out new restrooms! TMI!!! Debbie

  3. Sue, you make me want to have a store again, Country Roads has just the things I had in my stores, I still sell the same things just miss out on the displaying and that is a big part of the fun! I grew up in a ranch house more then 15 miles from any other civilization and the row of mail boxes took me home...the boxes were the spot where distant neighbors would chat and share info about the latest events. I am sure if I lived closer to your store we would be trading goods, you should get the chair! Jacque

  4. I am so excited that I found your blog, I know one of your vendors, Gloria Hill. She has actually been to my house in Kentucky to buy from me before! I met her about 10 or 11 years ago! I seen her twice this year in Texas, I think Ted was with her this last time! Tell her Theresa from Kentucky said HI!

    I want to see more pics of your shop, I love it.



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