
Architectural Elements

I absolutely love architectural pieces. There is something so appealing about them, maybe the chippy paint, maybe because they've survived all these years and are now being used in a "different" way than they originally were intended to be used. I have many architectural pieces in my home, and Country Roads is loaded with them. Above is a picture of a grouping of old columns I have in my family room. Also, I love the round cement piece that sits on top of the lower column.

This grouping sits on top of an old apothecary cabinet in my family room. I use the vintage urns to hide my candles, and the green architectural pieces came from part of a facade inside Country Roads. Above is one of my favorites. Of course I got it at Country Roads from Gloria Hill, Shabbytown USA, who always finds the most awesome pieces! I use the pieces grouped together as a shelf to hold old, vintage baby shoes. It sits above an antique glass bulletin board case that is filled with photos, my dad's high school "letter", and other small things of my parents that are special to me. I have architectural stuff all throughout my house. This set of corbels sits on top of a vintage doctors medical cabinet in my office and is a backdrop to my old Orange Nehi soda bottles. At one time, my building, that Country Roads is housed in, was the home of an Orange Nehi bottling company. I love this old window! It hangs in my bedroom over a little glass top desk with a vintage iron sewing machine base. I guess the appeal for me when it comes to architectural elements is the history behind the pieces, the chippy paint, and the warmth they add to your home. Country Roads has a pretty good selection of this stuff, so stop on by when you are in the area and pick out a few pieces for your own homes!


  1. Those are some really great pieces(I especially love the concrete orb). You've done a good job of displaying and getting the most impact out of them. Debbie

  2. Wow, you have some really cool architectural pieces. You know I so want to visit your shop one day, maybe I can talk Renee (A Junk Queen) into going with me since she knows the way!

  3. I love all your fantastic architectural elements! I especially liked the wall with the bulletin board...those vintage pics of the dogs and cats were wonderful!

    I want to know the story behind your funny picture on the car!


  4. You have wonderful pieces! I love them, too - they makes my heart pitter pat!

    You are within about an hour of me! I'm definitely checking out your shop!

    xo Isa

  5. Amazing! I love all your architectural pieces! Great display. Love the baby shoes! Maybe Garden Antqs and a Junk Queen will let me tag along to visit...Of course we'd have to draw straws for all the good stuff...I think we all like the same things!


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