
Christmas Memories

My family's Christmas started off at my house the way we "tradionally" do it, a pancake breakfast. Pancakes happen to be one of Riley's favorites! While everyone was finishing up breakfast, Riley couldn't wait to open presents, so Bryce let her open one from him and Justine.
Riley and Justine watching everyone opening Christmas gifts. Bryce & Katie's husband, Vinnie, "always" have the tv on. Since it was driving me crazy, I turned it to the annual "yule log fire" station as Katie and Brande "warmed" their hands by the festive yule log fire! As you can see, this was one of Riley's favorite gifts. It was a little stuffed bird that came with a book Brande had given her. Next, Brande & I went over to Katie's house to watch Riley open her gifts from Santa. This year, Katie and Vinnie did Christmas dinner. Everyone came from my family, my sister's family, Vinnie's family and more.And as awful as it sounds, there were more presents to be opened. But in the end, it's always "the box" that the kids like the best, especially when Uncle Bryce pushes you all over the house in it! I probably say this too much, but I really am blessed to have such a great family and so many good friends. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday as well!

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