
Happy New Year!!

Wishing us all, a 2009 that is filled with peace, kindness and caring. This past year we've all probably seen or been through things that we never dreamed would happen. I believe in hope! So when I wake up tomorrow morning I will wake up with heart filled with hope for a great 2009 for us all! It's a brand new year, a brand to start of new beginnings. Happy New Year!


  1. That is the cutest photo I have ever seen! Precious!

    We are making toasts to the new year on our blog. Come over and join us!

    Happy New Year!

    Malisa and Karen

  2. Hi Sue, thanks so much for reading my blog, I appreciate it. I too hope to one day visit your store. I've always enjoyed your newsletters and before I had a blog I would visit your site over and over. I'm still a fan of your blog and site. Hope you have a great year!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!