
Halloween Memories

This was the first Halloween that Riley really enjoyed the evening. There was a little bit of drama Katie had getting Riley dressed and her hair in pigtails. Let's remember she is now two and at two you really have "strong" feelings about life and stuff! All of my family, (myself, Bryce, Justine, and Brande) went over to Katie and Vinnie's for Halloween. Their house was all decked out for the occassion with a couple of fog machines, lights, and decorations.

Katie, Brande, and I took Riley out "trick or treating". She caught on pretty quick to the "free candy" gig and mastered saying "trick or treat" pretty well for a two year old. After my parents died, Katie and Vinnie bought their house. It was the house I grew up in, the one my mom and dad brought me home to after I was born. It was kind of a touching feeling going "trick or treating" with Riley in the same neighborhood I trick or treated as a little kid. Walking down the streets I did as a child, the same streets I walked to elementary school on, was really memorable walking with Riley, Katie and Brande. I got to show them my kindergarden room at my old elementary school, just stuff like that. I feel very grateful to be able to share this kind of stuff with my little Riley. I'm grateful for days like this, and they are out there if we just make the time to create those memories.


  1. Sue, I love your store and thank you for sharing fun personal stories about your life. What a beautiful child it is no wonder your previous post are in hope for a better world..... Jacque

  2. Sue what a lovely story. How sweet that you get to share that and indeed re-live some of it all over again, Thats pretty darn special.

    Your grandaughter is a sweetie.

    Shannon :)


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!