
A Day Off With Riley & Katie

Today Katie and I both had off, so we decided to go see Brande's new place. She just recently rented an apartment in Old Towne Seal Beach, right across the street from the beach. I am SO jealous! Brande had to work today, and Katie & Riley hadn't seen the empty apartment yet, so we stopped by to see it. As you can tell from the photo above, Riley enjoyed all the empty space. She also told me she is looking forward to hanging out with Auntie Brande at the beach! Riley LOVES hanging out with Brande!After visiting Brande's new place, we drove down PCH to "Pa's Pumpkin Patch". This place has been around Long Beach forever. I've been waiting for today for awhile now as it is the first day it opened. I thought Riley would be more into picking out a pumkin than she was, although she did like the one she decided to choose. But something was wrong.
The reason she was so grumpy was because of the choo-choo train! Riley talks a lot but you can't always understand what she is saying. As we went to the car with her pumpkin to leave, she started crying and repeating, "choo-choo, choo-choo". We figured it out after that. We bought her a ticket for the train, and as you can see above, she was having a blast riding the choo-choo at the Pumpkin Patch with her mom. She waved, smiled, and laughed. It was magical, that is until the ride was over and she had to get off!Riley cried, and cried so why break her heart? We just got another ticket to ride the choo-choo. This time I squeezed my butt in the engine seat and Riley got to ring the bell as we circled the track, waving at mom, and smiling and laughing. I love how something so simple as a little choo-choo train can make little kids so happy. And of course, you know what happened after the ride was over. More tears,(we did think about buying more choo-choo train tickets though) but it was time to go with promises to Riley we would come back. Of course it made no difference, she still cried. She was a little happier at lunch and after we ate she visited the duck pond by Claim Jumper. As Riley stared eye to eye with the really big duck, and he looked back at her like he was thinking of taking a little "nip" of her. So we decided to call it a day before there were more tears from a duck bite! Before we left the parking lot though, Riley was fast asleep in her carseat probably dreaming of the choo-choo train, pumpkins, and the big duck!

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